Financial Secretary Training


A very special thank you goes out to all those who attended the Financial Secretary Training on Saturday, August 1st, 2020. These sessions were great as a result of your participation, questions, and comments throughout.  The success of this event proves we need to do more of them and often!  

On behalf of our Worthy Immediate Past State Deputy and myself, we want all our Council Financial Secretaries to know how much you are truly appreciated for all you do to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Mother Church, and our Order. You are the unsung heroes who help us maintain “order in the Order”!  As promised we are providing access to the video recordings of these sessions for you to review at your convenience.

Please click the links below to review the sessions or attend the sessions for the first time.

SESSION 1 VIDEO  – Financial Secretary Duties and Responsibilities
SESSION 2 VIDEO – Member Management and Member Billing

Thank you again for taking the time to review this information. If you should have questions please feel free to contact Tracy Staller at or reach out to your District Deputy.

God Bless, Be Safe, and Vivat Jesus!

The State Leadership Team, Jimmy Dee Membership Director

As always we give special thanks to our State Agency and all our Field Agents for their hard work defending the faith and protecting our families!